Professional School Based Mentoring™
The Professional School Based Mentoring (PSBM) Philosophy….Because schools can’t do it alone.
The PSBM Philosophy is a “Best Practice” resource used to build capacity, effectively engage family & community, and achieve positive student outcomes. The scope of work includes the following services:
- Doc Brown Keynotes & Workshops
- Doc Brown & Thought Partners Professional Development
- Doc Brown & The Student Success Team ALL-Grade Level Student Assemblies
- Doc Brown Parent Universities
- Doc Brown Community Calls To Action
(The investment is based on the number of students in your district.)
The Professional School Based Mentoring Philosophy (PSBM) recognizes that our highest risk students DO NOT constitute a homogeneous cluster of youth with like characteristics. The PSBM philosophy skillfully and willfully addresses the gifted learner with anxiety issues to the angry learner with family problems.
- The PSBM Philosophy is intended to provide assistance teachers and students, not an additional burden.
- The PSBM Philosophy is NOT a “Here we go again program!” There is invested support over the next 3-5 years to improve the academic and personal lives of our highest risk students.
- Campus referrals will go through a school-based committee (The “Failure Is Not An Option Committee”) to determine students in greatest in need within the school.
- PSBM’s will be assigned to campuses and maintain a caseload of 5-10 students.
- PSBM’s receive on-going specialty professional development, intense supervision and monitoring, and participate in book studies leading to certification as a Certified Professional School Based Mentor.
- Online forms for documentation of Teacher and Parent Input on student progress, Parent Permission, and End-Of-Year assessment will be available.

Your District Deserves These Services!
The multiple dimensions of the student’s life is effectively addressed with the ABC’s:
A Academics
B Behavior
C Community & Family Support
- The PSBM Philosophy is a proven evidenced-based research strategy for the highest risk students in primary and secondary settings.
- The PSBM Philosophy holistically addresses the student’s needs, provides the appropriate resources and measures the outcomes.
- The PSBM Philosophy will address the following areas using SMART goal setting: Academic Attitude, Behavior Targets & Curriculum (ABC’s)