Parenting & Family Engagement Keynote Speaker

Dr. Adolph "Doc' Brown, III is known for CELEBRATING, APPRECIATING, & EDUCATING his audiences!  Experience the best practice strategies in parenting and family engagement education with the Parent Expert & TV Talk Show Co-Host on The ABC prime time show “The Parent Test.”  Doc Brown uses motivation & encouragement to lead and coach parents and guardians to support the premise that "It ALL starts at home!" -that education does not Dr. Adolph "Doc' Brown, III is known for CELEBRATING, APPRECIATING, & EDUCATING his audiences!  when children come to school.  And as educators, we know that the best learning builds on what students already know. 

Doc Brown's Parent Promise


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Without a doubt, Title One Schools and Parent Engagement, family and community seminar leader, parenting and family speaker and fatherhood keynote speaker Dr. Adolph Brown offers the most unique, relevant, value-added, entertaining, and fun yet challenging presentations in America.  To ensure that the students of today are ready for the careers of tomorrow, parent, families, schools and community groups must work together to promote engagement that is systemic, sustained and integrated into school improvement efforts.  Research over the past 30 years has shown that engaging families in their children's education increases student achievement and decreases dropout rates.  As a child of a single-parent mother reared in the housing projects while spending summers on a farm in rural Virginia, Dr. Adolph Brown is an advocate of strong families & strong schools. It is as a result of his strong family and strong schools that he is now a clinical and educational psychologist, tenured full professor, author, businessman and research-scientist.  Rearing the next generation is a shared responsibility.  When families, communities and schools work together, students are more successful and the entire community benefits. As a parent, family and community engagement speaker, Dr. Adolph Brown is first and foremost a husband and a father of eight.  Dr. Brown knows that rearing children is not easy and does not come with guidelines, instructions or a pause button.  Dr. Brown has experienced many adventures in parenting not only as an early childhood education speaker, but also from parenting a child with special needs to parenting adult child ten.  Dr. Brown has extensive experience working with students and families who live in and through the crisis of poverty and improving communication and relations across barriers of poverty.  As a Title I Speaker, Dr. Brown's tireless efforts for Improving The Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged can be seen in countless schools.  Effective family engagement is not a one-time program or the choice of a good school, but rather a set of day-to-day practices, attitudes, beliefs and interactions that support learning at home, at school, after school and during the summer.  Dr. Brown shares what successful culturally-responsive family & community engagement looks like, how to do it, and its wondrous benefits due to his unique success in the practical training & fun application of family engagement and best practices in child development.  As a parenting keynote speaker education series trainer, Dr. Brown's family and community engagement philosophy takes you to the frontlines of doing what’s best for children and inspires you to positively impact the world.  He has also counseled diverse families in crisis and trauma (divorce, co-parenting, single-parenting, adoptive, gay or lesbian, immigrant, migrant, bi-racial, multi-racial, trans-racial adoptive, blended, broken, co-custody, extended, conditionally separated, foster and transnational families) for over three decades.

Super Saturdays



Commonly Known as a "Semester in an Hour" & “A Party with a Purpose” (depending on the occasion) includes all of Dr. Adolph "Doc" Brown's informing & inspiring Master Classes.  EVERY Keynote, Virtual, Master Class, Breakout, Workshop, Seminar, On-site Consultation & Training Session is full of tons of learning, laughter, & practical takeaways! 

Doc Brown The Parent Test

Course Pre-requisites:  Two senses are required for The Doc Brown Experience.  They are common sense and a sense of humor!

Just One Visit from Doc Brown & You’ll Want Him Back Again & Again!

(ALSO Available in virtual and pre-recorded master classes, half-day seminars & full-day workshops)

  • Mental Health & Trauma in Early Childhood
  • Unpacking Fatherhood™
  • Silence is Violence!
  • We Got Your Back!
  • Putting Down What You Are Carrying...& Preparing For The Tasks At Hand!
  • Lead By Example
  • Doing What's Best For Students...Walking The Talk!™
  • DocSpeaks Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): If we want students to love learning, we must create environments where it is safe to fail!
  • Two Teams, One Dream...Student Success! Raising The Bar for Family & Community Participation
  • "What Might I Be Wrong About?"™ Understanding Human Perception
  • To Serve Well, You Must Live Well™ Self-Care For Professionals
  • Attitude Changes Everything!
  • Virtual Group Hug! Connecting Our Hearts In Trying Times.
  • Father-Wanting Fathers. Learning To Be A Father Without A Role Model.
  • "REAL TALK" Parent Reminders. Parent's Night Out
  • Empowering Grandparents Rearing Grandchildren
  • An Asset-Based Approach to Education for English Language Learners (ELL), Emergent Bilinguals & Students of Color
  • “Head, Heart & Hugs” Strategies to Successful Parenting
  • Single Parenting, Many Roles
  • Foolproof Parenting for the Afterschool Program Called “Life!”
  • On Being A Parent of A Child With Special Needs…
  • Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover! Creating Safe Spaces & Psychological Safety for ALL!
"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works"
– Hebrews 10:24